Waterloo Sparkling Water Review: Black Cherry

Black Cherry Fans Will Rejoice Over Waterloo Black Cherry Sparkling Water
— There is nothing quite like the flavor explosion you get biting into a black cherry. The sweet and sour mix of flavors that you get from wild cherries offer a true sensation on the taste buds. Waterloo Black Cherry Sparkling Water is an example of everything good about flavored seltzer water. For decades beverage companies have tested and tried many different variations of cherry flavored carbonated drinks. These experiments have had varying ranges of success. But Waterloo definitely got the flavor right on this one. From its sweet aromatic bouquet to its effervescent taste, this cherry-flavored seltzer will not let you down.
Lively Cherry Bouquet
Some seltzers and flavored carbonated waters are void of aroma. But there is a contingent in the sparkling water market that favors a strong fragrance to go along with each individual beverage flavor. Waterloo’s Black Cherry Sparkling Water is, indeed, one of these seltzers that have a rich aroma that adds to the enjoyment experience. Just opening a can of this black cherry wonder drink, and the air is instantly alive with the odors of a cherry grove. You can almost feel the sun shining down on the orchard helping the cherries grow rich with flavor. The opulent odor is the perfect gateway to a truly enjoyable beverage experience. And so begins your love affair with this drink.
Waterloo Black Cherry Sparkling Water Has The Finish of a Fine Champagne
How good is this flavor? It is so good you don’t even have to be a particular fan of cherry flavored beverages to enjoy its lusty taste. This non-alcoholic bubbly water is exactly what a black cherry seltzer should taste like. To describe Waterloo Black Cherry Sparkling Water in a single word: delicious! The fruit flavor is matched with a relatively strong carbonation which, when combined, creates a dry champagne-like finish. Even though there is no sugar in this delightful black cherry sparkling water, you don’t get a chalky or chemical-infused “diet soda flavor” at all. The enjoyment experience is very high with this particular flavor. Our tasters give this beautifully flavored seltzer water excellent ratings all around.
Destined To Be Your New Favorite
There are some beverages that are best enjoyed in the summer months. Lemonade is an example that comes to mind. Similarly, there are drinks that lend themselves more to winter days, too. Hot Cocoa and Eggnog are two examples of familiar cold weather drinks. But Waterloo Black Cherry Sparkling Water is the kind of superb, flavored seltzer water that can be enjoyed all year-round. It can be relished while basking in the sun during summer or equally enjoyed in the winter watching the snow fall outside your window. By the ocean at the beach or nestled up beside a crackling fireplace. Its outstanding crisp and delicious flavor also makes it an ideal choice as a child’s first introduction to seltzer beverages. Waterloo Black Cherry Sparkling Water is certainly a flavor all seltzer fans should try. It was a strong player amongst our Waterloo sparkling water reviews, and it may well become one of your new favorites.