Advertise with Seltzer Nation to Reach Hard Seltzer Drinkers and Canned Cocktail Consumers Nationwide
— Specializing in the review of hard seltzers and canned cocktails, Seltzer Nation is the industry leader in the delivery of seltzer-related news and ready-to-drink product information to highly-coveted consumers of alcoholic seltzers, spirits-based sodas and other innovative spiked sparkling beverages.
A wide array of advertising options — including editorial articles, online ads, email, brand licensing and social media promotion — allow Seltzer Nation advertisers to effectively reach their targeted audience online, in their inbox and on social platforms.
Large or small, Seltzer Nation has advertising options for every size budget and every size brand. We can even create custom ad campaigns using geo-specific targeting to reach your consumers based on location and to better support your product distribution strategies.
Contact Us for more information on the many ways Seltzer Nation advertising can elevate your products and brand.