Bud Light Seltzer Review: Mango Mai Tai

Bud Light Seltzer Mango Mai Tai Offers Up a Polynesian Experience
— The first time you sample a mixed drink, it makes an impact. Typically, you know right away if it’s a drink you’d order again. Think back to the first time you tried a Mai Tai. Chances are you were either in Hawaii or at a Polynesian restaurant. Although it is most commonly associated with Hawaii, the Mai Tai has its origins elsewhere. The Mai Tai is a mixed drink that was first created in 1944 at Trader Vic’s, an Oakland, California-based Polynesian-themed restaurant. The drink was introduced to the Hawaiian Islands in 1953. The original recipe call for Jamaican rum, fresh lime, orange curaçao, rock candy syrup, orgeat syrup, and fresh mint. Offering the Polynesian-themed taste in a spiked sparkling water cocktail is Bud Light Seltzer Mango Mai Tai.
Prepare to Relax
Sometimes the best way to prepare to relax with a stiff drink after work is to open your favorite hard seltzer and just listen to the bubbles fizzing away inside. Bud Light Seltzer Mango Mai Tai has a “just right” carbonation level that makes it perfect for such a ritual. When you open the can, in addition to hearing the playful sound of bubbles bursting, you will also be treated to the tempting aroma of the tropics. No one fruit scent stands out as being recognizable in the medley of aromas swimming in the air, rather it is more of an all-encompassing fruit punch fragrance. It is a very inviting scent. And if decide to pour this particular Bud Light seltzer over ice, you will note a playful translucent pink color. Find more relaxing flavors to enjoy on our Bud Light Seltzer Reviews page.
Bud Light Seltzer Mango Mai Tai is a Sweet Treat
This Bud Light Seltzer is made with cold-fermented cane sugar, natural flavors, fruit juice, vegetable juice, stevia leaf extract, and malted rice. Although it is a recipe far different than that of inventor Victor J. Bergeron, Jr, it provides a taste very true to this seltzer’s namesake mixed drink. It has a great overall fruit punch flavor. It should be noted that the stevia leaf extract adds a lot of sweetness. If you are not a fan of very sweet seltzers, you might want to try a different option. It is a very good seltzer, it’s just sweeter than most. Part of Bud Light Seltzer’s “Out of Office” limited edition variety pack, this seltzer has a 5% alcohol by volume (ABV) and 100 calories per can. It is also gluten free and has just 2 grams of total carbohydrates and 0 grams of total sugars.
Extreme But Enjoyable
If you are a fan of sweet flavored hard seltzers, you will undoubtedly enjoy tBud Light Seltzer Mango Mai Tai. Rather than an authentic mango flavor, the mixologists behind this tasty treat concentrate on creating a fruit medley – a hard seltzer fruit punch. Powered by stevia leaf extract the drink’s fruit flavor is extreme, but enjoyable. The sparkling water cocktail has a pretty average ABV and is has just 100 calories per can. It is also low in carbs and has 0 added sugars. While Bud Light has gone off reservation with its recipe, the overall sentiment and taste of its Mai Tai in a can is consistent with what you’d find in a Polynesian restaurant.