Viva Tequila Seltzer Review: Grapefruit

Viva Grapefruit Tequila Seltzer is Big on Flavor but not Calories
— Grapefruit cocktails are an interesting mix to try to get right. Since grapefruit is more sour and bitter than its cousin the orange, it requires the right mix of ingredients to be appealing. The Paloma, for example, blends grapefruit juice, lime juice, tequila, and sparkling water. But not everyone wants a touch of lime in their alcoholic beverage. And in some cases, grapefruit soda is substituted for the individual components of sparkling water and grapefruit juice for a lighter flavor. And those who prefer a more pure, light, and unadulterated grapefruit flavor — without the added calories from juices and sweeteners — will be delightfully impressed by this Viva Grapefruit Tequila Seltzer.
Great Carbonation
One of the key factors that plays into whether a hard seltzer flavor becomes a hit is the carbonation level. Some people prefer a lighter carbonation, while others want as many bubbles as possible. Viva Grapefruit Tequila Seltzer has just the right level of carbonation. The bubbles are friendly but not overdone. Another factor that is a good indication of a quality hard seltzer is its fragrance. When you first open a can of this tequila seltzer you are greeted with an absolutely lustful grapefruit bouquet. The light scent of citrus dances in the air. And this hard seltzer has a very modest 4.5% alcohol by volume (ABV). This is slightly lower than average, so perhaps you can use this as an excuse to enjoy more than one.
Viva Grapefruit Tequila Seltzer has a Refined Flavor
Taste, of course, is the deciding factor on where a hard seltzer flavor is going to end up on your list of favorites. While grapefruit is a flavor that is often difficult to get right in beverages, this Viva Tequila Seltzer handles the challenge with gusto. For starters, Viva uses only a select few ingredients in their mix: sparkling water, premium tequila, and natural flavors. That’s it. The result is a very nice and enjoyable refined flavor. It is a light taste that is very refreshing. The tequila is subtly recognizable, but what really stands out is the grapefruit flavor. It is not sour, but rather crisp and clean. Overall, it tastes like a refreshing sparkling water with the perfect kiss of citrus.
Luscious & Low Calorie
Viva Grapefruit Tequila Seltzer has a simple recipe that results in a very appealing beverage. It has 0 grams of total carbohydrates and 0 grams of total sugars. And without the use of added sugars, the calorie count remains very low. There are just 88 calories per can. In addition, this tequila seltzer is gluten free. But it doesn’t come up short in flavor. Kick back with one of these and you will be transported to a world abound with luscious citrus flavor. The refined taste offers a simple yet clever blend of just citrus, sparkling water, and premium tequila. And even those who aren’t normally drawn to tequila beverages will likely enjoy this spiked seltzer due to its crisp and clean flavor. With a great grapefruit aroma, excellent carbonation, and a refreshing flavor, this spiked and sparkling tequila seltzer is sure to be a hit at your next fiesta.