Stewart’s Spiked Seltzer Review: Black Cherry

Stewart's Black Cherry Spiked Seltzer

Rating: 91 Points

Calories: 100

Carbs: 1g

ABV: 5%

Stewart’s Black Cherry Spiked Seltzer is a Champion of Flavor

Stewart's Black Cherry Spiked Seltzer— Found in southeastern Canada, the eastern United States, as far west as Texas, and in the mountains of the southwestern U.S., Mexico, and Guatemala, too, the black cherry grows on trees ranging from 25 to 110 feet tall that are graced with beautiful white flowers. The tree’s dark red fruit turns black from August through October. The black cherry is more robust than some other species. The wood of the black cherry tree is used for furniture and the bark is used to make wild cherry cough medicine. Even in the hard seltzer market, there is an expectation of greatness when it comes to black cherry flavored beverages. And living up to those lofty expectations is Stewart’s Black Cherry Spiked Seltzer.

Vivid Fragrance

When you open a can of hard seltzer, the fragrance that meets you sets the stage for how much you may enjoy what comes next. And when you open a can of Stewart’s Black Cherry Spiked Seltzer, you are met with a pleasing fragrance. The aroma that greets you is clearly that of fresh cherries. The scent is mouthwateringly good. If you close your eyes and just go by scent alone, you would think you had a black cherry soda in front of you. This hard sparkling water has a 5% alcohol by volume (ABV) and contains 100 calories. One serving contains just 1 gram of total carbohydrates and 1 gram of total sugars. This premium spiked seltzer is also gluten free.

Stewart’s Black Cherry Spiked Seltzer Touts a Tart Finish

Clearly the fragrance of this Stewart’s Spiked Seltzer has set the bar high in terms of flavor expectations. Not to worry, this hard seltzer delivers in spades when it comes to flavor. To put it succinctly, this flavor might be one of the best black cherry hard seltzers to ever hit the market. Once you’ve tried it, you’ll seek it out by name. It’s that good. Like real black cherries, the flavor starts out sweet, then grows slightly sour, and finishes its evolution with a perfectly tart finish. If you pour your hard seltzers over ice, you’ll be impressed with the way this one presents. It has a clear and inviting appearance, characterized by a zesty level of carbonation. Find more zesty flavors to sample in our Hard Seltzer Reviews category.

A Lesson in Quality

Made from carbonated water, sugar brew, and natural flavors, Stewart’s Black Cherry Spiked Seltzer is absolutely wonderful. It is without a doubt one of the best black cherry hard seltzers on the market. It starts off with a vivid and lusty scent and only gets better from there. Every sip is a lesson in quality. From the way the fragrance whets the appetite to the way the flavor starts sweet and ends with a tart finish, each step of the drinking process is a joy for the senses. Each can is just 100 calories with a 5% ABV and just 1 gram of total carbs and 1 gram of total sugars, so having more than one won’t leave you feeling too tart.


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